Movies with and without others.

I am going to explain why movies are better alone. First you don’t have to worry, about people talking during the movie. You don’t have to argue on what movie to watch. You could put full focus in the movie. Those are reasons it could be better watching a movie alone.

It could also be better with others because. You could talk about the movie even when others don’t like that. You could see everyone’s reaction, like if it’s a horror movie whether they get scared or not. You could get to know people better on how they react to something major in the movie. Those are reasons it could be better with others.

Though I like watching movies by myself more. I also enjoy watching with others once in a while. Those are reasons of which could be better.

Why cars are cool

I’m going to explain why cars are cool. You could travel to places much faster than on foot. Even if your the fastest person in the world you probably can’t outrun a car. Even if you somehow can you will get tired the car will not. You could also store more things while traveling. When you do this you also don’t have to carry it. Another reason is you could change how it looks the way you want. You can pick a car. It is safer than on foot. You could sleep in it. You could play music and listen to it with friends or family. You could also watch a movie. Unless your driving but if your not you can. Those are reasons cars are cool.

Why watching movies at home is better than theaters

   Reasons it’s better, you can watch one whenever you want. You can pause it so you won’t miss any of it or watch later.Their is more movies to choose from. It is cheaper than the movie theaters. You don’t have to go anywhere.(unless you don’t get it online) You can watch also watch it on your tv,phone, or computer. You don’t have to worry about people talking(unless your not watching it by yourself) You can rewatch it without having to pay again. You don’t have to worry about someone blocking your view. You also can’t be late. You control the lights,volume, and can rewind and fast forward.You can watch it wherever you want. Those are reasons that watching a movie at home is better than in theaters.